I’m inviting you to write us a letter to the editor, which you can send or not send as you please.
You don’t need me to tell you that this is a stressful time. I feel it too, yet I promise that we have been working hard to give you the best Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle that we can, under these terrible circumstances. Our next edition in print comes out Nov. 1.
If it will be helpful to you, please, feel free to write down your thoughts and feelings at this time.
If it helps you to send it to us for publication, great. If it helps you to stick it in a drawer or forever close the file in the app, that’s great too.
I’m no expert, but there are plenty of experts who will tell you that journaling can help.
If you would like to send your letter to us, for publication or not, submit it to robg@milwaukeejewish.org. I will read every word.
This is a time for us to all come together. When our next edition arrives in your homes, or when you click on a link, I hope you will feel that we are with you.
Rob Golub
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle