Student | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle - Part 2


Hillel Milwaukee plans engagement activities both on campus and in Israel 

Hillel Milwaukee plans engagement activities both on campus and in Israel 

Posted on: October 18th, 2023 | 3 Heshvan 5784 by Special to the Chronicle

Hillel Milwaukee is planning a series of themed Shabbats — including events focused on voting, refugees and pride — among other activities, in an effort to reach students more effectively than ever.   “Hillel has grown in recent years… and we’ve engaged a lot of different students from a lot of different campuses,” Executive Director Rabbi […]

Torah and Taylor Swift

Torah and Taylor Swift

Posted on: September 19th, 2023 | 4 Tishri 5784 by Rob Golub

If a teen joins Milwaukee Jewish Philanthropy this year, they’ll find themselves working with an enthused future rabbi whose talents include connecting Taylor Swift’s music and Torah.  Dalilah Bernier is the new director of teen initiatives for Milwaukee Jewish Federation; the role is to include overseeing Milwaukee Jewish Teen Philanthropy and serving teens through Federation […]

Ecology rabbi of the future

Ecology rabbi of the future

Posted on: August 11th, 2023 | 24 Av 5783 by Rob Golub

For this activist future rabbi, climate change is not just a theory to read about in textbooks.    Recent college graduate Savannah (Lipinski) Lipner says that just about every summer, her parents’ backyard in Colorado glows red from area forest fires. The house is not far from Rocky Mountain National Park.   “Sometimes you can see just […]

IN PICTURES: School for young children 

IN PICTURES: School for young children 

Posted on: July 14th, 2023 | 25 Tammuz 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

The Bayside Shul’s new 3- and 4-year-old class, at its Milwaukee Community Hebrew School, started in September. It runs weekly on Sunday mornings. This photo features an event with Chava Edelman, director. In this picture, are students from preschool and kindergarten classes.   

IN PICTURES: Tzedakah unit at day school 

IN PICTURES: Tzedakah unit at day school 

Posted on: July 12th, 2023 | 23 Tammuz 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

Miryam Rosenzweig, president and CEO of Milwaukee Jewish Federation, visited a Milwaukee Jewish Day School class during its tzedakah unit, to discuss the 8 levels of tzedakah and how the Milwaukee Jewish Federation lives those values. Teacher Yoni Schlussel’s students wrote articles after the visit. The student writers included Sivan Wallace, who wrote that kindness […]

Cardinal Stritch’s last student graduation speaker: An Israeli 

Cardinal Stritch’s last student graduation speaker: An Israeli 

Posted on: June 30th, 2023 | 11 Tammuz 5783 by Rob Golub

MILWAUKEE – When Israeli Gal Dahan came to America to play basketball for Cardinal Stritch University in Glendale, she came, at least in part, for the superior American basketball facilities.     “They call America the land of opportunity, not for nothing,” Dahan told the Chronicle, when she was a 24-year-old junior, back in 2021.   Maybe it’s […]

Jewish history, told through art

Jewish history, told through art

Posted on: June 6th, 2023 | 17 Sivan 5783 by Rob Golub

The details were exquisite, right down to the miniscule, rolled up papers, each smaller than an eraser head. The rolls, all violet, made up a three-inch model of a Torah cover – with one yellow roll for each of the Torah handles.  Students at Torah Academy of Milwaukee created massive art banners, three-dimensional models and […]

<strong>Mazel Tov!</strong> 

Mazel Tov! 

Posted on: May 11th, 2023 | 20 Iyyar 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

Here’s our annual list of local young people who have met the requirements of their local Jewish institutions. Dozens and dozens of Wisconsin young people have taken this step into Jewish adulthood, with confirmation or graduation from our state’s Jewish institutions. If you’d like to see the list from your synagogue or Jewish institution included […]

UW-Madison Chabad connects students with survivors – nationwide

UW-Madison Chabad connects students with survivors – nationwide

Posted on: April 14th, 2023 | 23 Nisan 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

Ten students in Madison have been meeting with Holocaust survivors nationwide, by Zoom, as part of Chabad’s Stories That Live program.   Chabad at the University of Wisconsin-Madison offers the program in Madison. Stories That Live is a program that connects students with Holocaust survivors. Started at a Chabad that serves students in Pennsylvania, the programming […]

At Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Linsey Kimmel learns with her students

At Milwaukee Jewish Day School, Linsey Kimmel learns with her students

Posted on: April 14th, 2023 | 23 Nisan 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

Third grade was a hard time for Milwaukee Jewish Day School teacher Linsey Kimmel. Her teacher made her feel inadequate. The teacher was not good at differentiating and made Linsey feel incapable. In fifth grade, she had a teacher who empowered her by calling her a “shining star.” She decided to become a teacher so […]